About the Comic
Run of the House is a cartoon strip about what a quirky group of house pets do when their people aren’t around. And if they could talk, of course! I’m Scott William Carter, the cartoonist behind the strip. If you’d like to know more about me, and my other life as a writer of novels and short stories, check out www.scottwillliamcarter.com. Or subscribe right now (see the handy dandy boxes at the top and bottom of this page) to get a free comic emailed to you every Monday.
The comic is currently published twice a week, on Mondays (for free) and Wednesdays (for paying subscribers). While individual strips may rarely appear out in the hinterlands of the Internet, the only place it consistently appears is in your inbox, at runofthehouse.net, or via the Substack App.
If you do become a paying subscriber, you not only get a second comic every week, you will also get access to all past comics in the archives, FREE ebook or PDF versions of any future collections, and occasional extra comics or other bonus content. And my undying gratitude, of course! The money mostly goes to paying my real pets. Don’t let them starve! Just kidding. Maybe . . .
How You Can Help
I have a pretty simple philosophy when it comes to promotion, the same philosophy I apply to my other creative work: produce the best work I can, then mostly rely on word of mouth to grow my audience. That doesn’t mean I do no marketing, of course; it just means I’m very selective about it. So far, this attitude has served me well, but it does mean I rely on readers to spread the word. If you like the comic, feel free to forward the emails to friends who might enjoy it. Thanks so much!